Monday, November 12, 2012

Nicki Minaj's Butt Gave Me A Ride

OK I admit that I am not the most current person when it comes to American pop culture.  I have never watched any of the American Idol shows.  Never even watched any Survivor.  I did watch one or two of So You Think You Can Dance.  Other than that I am a pop culture idiot.

I do love music and showmanship however, and became intrigued by what I saw of the Rap and Hip Hop artist Nicki Minaj.  I thought that her offbeat, exaggerated fashions were a relief from the hyper sexual standards of most of her contemporaries.

It wasn't until recently that I saw her in a video with what appeared to be a God given HUGH BUTT and HEAVY THIGHS.  I thought, how wonderful, a woman who can afford to have every piece of fat sucked from her body is embracing what looks like something a lot of others would exercise, diet and surgery their way out of at any cost.  I was going to give her cudos for being a real roll model for young women.  

Now I am not living under a rock, I do know about the big butt fetish surrounding Jennifer Lopez and one of the Kardasians.  However, I was silly enough to think that Nicki, because of her great originality in so many other ways, was showing her real body.

Imagine my embarrassment when I caught this headline from the Huffington Post.  "Nicki Minaj Before Butt Implants".  Oh dear.  Foiled again.  That's what I get for believing that corporate American pop culture is not a process of manufacturing.  Don't get me wrong, there is much popular music I really enjoy,  the large music producers spend lots of money researching it to make sure that I do.  I just feel, well, a bit betrayed by someone I thought was a real original.  No problem, on to the next......

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  1. Oh wow! I didn't know that either. Wait until I tell all the boys in my class! Ha Ha, one of them thinks that NM is so fine! Hate to burst his bubble...NOT!

    1. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you but yes, much of what we find hard to resist in today's media is .......false. Thanks for the comment and let the kid in your class know the truth!


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